Thursday, August 8, 2013

Decided to post some of the reviews for books I have already read this year. Yes I will and do read anything including the back of the cereal box.

A Map of Tulsa: A NovelA Map of Tulsa: A Novel by Benjamin Lytal
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

A Map of Tulsa was okay. I do not feel strongly one way or another about it. I am a long time Tulsan, so I did like seeing my home city portrayed in a positive light. However, I just could not really empathize with the protagonist in the story. One of the few things that stood out for me in the book was when the protag lamented that August was hot. Anyone that has spent any time in Tulsa during the summer knows just what that line means.

1,000 Places To See In The United States And Canada Before You Die1,000 Places To See In The United States And Canada Before You Die by Patricia Schultz
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

You know those books you look at and go hmm well that could be interesting, this is one of those books. It makes me want to get into my car and just start driving to explore the lovely country side of the United States. Fill up the gas tank of your imagination and lets go for a spin.

Death of a Dowager (The Jane Eyre Chronicles #2)Death of a Dowager by Joanna Campbell Slan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I loved this book, Joanna's version of Jane is so lovely and heartwarming. I did not want the book to end, I wanted to stay in London with Jane and Edward.

View all my reviews

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